Technical Skills → Math Mode

Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 2: Complex Exponents, Ctrl-Space, and Times Dot (A002)

The Math Mode Basics Short Course series is designed for beginner users of TypeWell's Math Mode. The content mirrors and reinforces TypeWell's Math Tutorial (which can be accessed from the Math menu in the Transcriber software program).

The audio and video files in each lesson provide ample opportunity for focused drill and practice. The drills are cumulative, incorporating skills mastered in previous lessons. This is the best way for you to train your mind and hands to use the keyboard efficiently while you're in Math Mode.

This is the SECOND of FIVE lessons in Math Mode Basics (Part 2):

Lesson 1 − Superscripts, Ctrl-H, and Ctrl-N
Lesson 2 − Complex Exponents, Ctrl-Space, and Times Dot
Lesson 3 − Subscripts, Combined Scripts, and Fractions
Lesson 4 − Putting It All Together
Lesson 5 − Making Meaning from Mathlish


ELIGIBILITY: Qualified TypeWell transcribers with the following:
— successful completion of Math Mode Basics (Part 1): all lessons;
— successful completion of Math Mode Basics (Part 2): Lesson 1;
— at least 1 year (or academic year) of experience providing real-time speech-to-text services;
— access to the TypeWell Transcriber software for the duration of the course; and
— access to high-speed internet for the duration of the course.

TO GET THIS COURSE: Click the button at left to pay by credit card (must be logged in as a registered LEO user). A "paid" invoice will automatically be added to your account under "My Payments." OR, if you need an invoice in advance, please email

105 - 135 mins | 14 days to complete | Eligible for TypeWell CEUs | Contains audio/video | Developed by Sharon Allen

Closed Captioning: Available Upon Request

  • Welcome!
  • How This Course Works
  • How To Ask Questions
  • Learning Objectives for Lesson 2
  • Algebraic Expressions as Exponents
  • You Try: Algebraic Expressions as Exponents
  • Save Your Transcript!
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Algebraic Expressions as Exponents
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Algebraic Expressions as Exponents
  • You Try: Binomials and Equations with Complex Exponents
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Binomials with Algebraic Exponents
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Binomials with Algebraic Exponents
  • Lesson Progress Update
  • Ctrl-Space to Expand Without Advancing Cursor
  • You Try: Ctrl-Space to Expand Without Advancing Cursor
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Ctrl-Space to Expand Without Advancing Cursor
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Ctrl-Space to Expand Without Advancing Cursor
  • Ctrl-Space for Fractional Exponents
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Ctrl-Space for Fractional Exponents
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Ctrl-Space for Fractional Exponents
  • Options for "Times Dot" Operator
  • Multiplication of Exponential Terms Using Times Dot
  • You Try: Multiplication of Exponential Terms Using 'ti' for Times Dot
  • Helpful Hints: Choosing the Most Efficient Keystrokes for Exponents
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Times Dot Using the Abbreviation ti
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Times Dot Using the Abbreviation ti
  • Lesson Progress Update
  • You Try: Multiplication of Exponential Terms Using 'Dot Space Comma' Times Dot
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Times Dot Using The Dot and Comma Cycle
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Times Dot Using The Dot and Comma Cycle
  • PRACTICE DRILL: Times Dot Using Either Method
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Times Dot Using Either Method
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Equations
  • PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Sentences Containing Math (first set)
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Sentences Containing Math (first set)
  • PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Sentences Containing Math (second set)
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Sentences Containing Math (second set)
  • PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Sentences Containing Math (third set)
  • CHECK YOUR WORK: Sentences Containing Math (third set)
  • Upload Lesson 2 Practice Transcript (doc or docx)
  • Lesson 2 Quiz
  • Lesson 2 Survey
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever