Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 1: Superscripts, Ctrl-H, and Ctrl-N (A001)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 1: Superscripts, Ctrl-H, and Ctrl-N (A001)
The Math Mode Basics Short Course series is designed for beginner users of TypeWell's Math Mode. The content mirrors and reinforces TypeWell's Math Tutorial (which can be accessed from the Math menu in the Transcriber software program). The...
Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 2: Complex Exponents, Ctrl-Space, and Times Dot (A002)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 2: Complex Exponents, Ctrl-Space, and Times Dot (A002)
The Math Mode Basics Short Course series is designed for beginner users of TypeWell's Math Mode. The content mirrors and reinforces TypeWell's Math Tutorial (which can be accessed from the Math menu in the Transcriber software program). The...
Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 3: Chemical Equations, Fractions, and Multi-Level Scripts (A003)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
Math Mode Basics (Part 2) Lesson 3: Chemical Equations, Fractions, and Multi-Level Scripts (A003)
The Math Mode Basics Short Course series is designed for beginner users of TypeWell's Math Mode. The content mirrors and reinforces TypeWell's Math Tutorial (which can be accessed from the Math menu in the Transcriber software program). The...
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 1 & 2: Arithmetic Operators (B001)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 1 & 2: Arithmetic Operators (B001)
This is a compilation of practice drills from the series, "Math Mode Basics (Part 1)." This Review module is available to transcribers who have successfully completed Lessons 1 & 2 of that series: Lesson 1 − Getting into and out of Math...
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 3 & 4 Review: Fractions, Variables, Exponents (B002)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 3 & 4 Review: Fractions, Variables, Exponents (B002)
This is a compilation of practice drills from the series, "Math Mode Basics (Part 1)." This Review module is available to transcribers who have successfully completed Lessons 3 & 4 of that series: Lesson 3 − Fractions Lesson 4 −...
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 5 & 6 Review: Equations, Sentences, Lectures (B003)
Technical Skills
Math Mode
(REVIEW) MMB1 Lessons 5 & 6 Review: Equations, Sentences, Lectures (B003)
This is a compilation of practice drills from the series, "Math Mode Basics (Part 1)." This Review module is available to transcribers who have successfully completed Lessons 5 & 6 of that series: Lesson 5 − Putting It All Together ...
Grammatically Speaking: Lists & Serial Elements (C001)
Grammatically Speaking: Lists & Serial Elements (C001)
You’re on an assignment when suddenly the speaker starts listing various talking points. The speaker is moving fast, jumping around, interrupting himself with various analogies and digressions, and losing track of the list order. You grow more...
Ergonomic Fundamentals for the Transcriber (C002)
Professional Growth
Ergonomic Fundamentals for the Transcriber (C002)
We've created a course for you, the transcriber, whether you're transcribing in the classroom or remotely. Heighten body awareness as you learn how bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons are all interrelated. Learn the biomechanics of neutral...
Math Mode Basics (Part 1) Lesson 1: Getting into and out of Math Mode
Technical Skills
Math Mode
Math Mode Basics (Part 1) Lesson 1: Getting into and out of Math Mode
The Math Mode Basics Short Course series is designed for beginner users of TypeWell's Math Mode. The content mirrors and reinforces TypeWell's Math Tutorial (which can be accessed from the Math menu in the V7 Transcriber software program). The...
Math Mode Basics (Part 1) Lesson 2: Arithmetic Operators
Technical Skills
Math Mode
Math Mode Basics (Part 1) Lesson 2: Arithmetic Operators
Learn to expand arithmetic operators using the letter-based abbreviations while Math Mode is enabled.

This is the SECOND of SIX lessons in Math Mode Basics (Part 1):

Lesson 1 − Getting into and out of Math Mode
Lesson 2 − Arithmetic...

Oh, no. Nothing was found.

Use a different term and try again.